Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA)
Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) refers to housing designed with accessible features that help residents live more independently and enable safe and effective support delivery.
There are four categories of SDA:
- Improved Liveability: This type of housing is designed to enhance ‘liveability’ by providing a reasonable level of physical access and better support for people with sensory, intellectual, or cognitive impairments.
- Robust: Robust housing is built to be strong and resilient, offering high physical access. It uses durable materials and features that reduce risks for residents and the community, minimizing the need for repairs.
- Fully Accessible: Fully Accessible housing is designed for people with significant physical impairments. It includes a high level of physical access features, helping those who struggle with self-care tasks like mobility, eating, toileting, or behaviour management. These individuals often have extreme difficulty performing daily activities, even with modifications or assistive technology.
- High Physical Support: Dwellings in the High Physical Support category have special features that provide extra physical access for individuals with significant physical impairments and very high support needs.